The faces behind the madness...


The Mother

This wonderful lady is the brains behind the operation. She works hard to keep everything running as it should be and working out who needs to be where (sheep and humans!). She keeps us all fed and watered so that we can do what is needed. Such a caring and kind hearted woman, the sheep want for nothing (the humans could do with more cake and coffee!). Lynne will also build anything out of wood that is needed to keep the sheep and the rest of us happy!


The Daughter

This amazing young woman is the master of all sheep... the sheep whisperer... the best sheep catcher you could find. A sheep tries to jump out of the pen... this one will catch it mid air like nothing ever happened! The love she has for the sheep (and all animals) is unmatched. She can tell the moment one of them is unhappy or feeling poorly and jumps in to action! 

Jodi is a hardworking, kind and loving soul!


The Nerd...

This crazy lady is the go to person for all things tech related on the farm. She managed to set up cameras for lambing with the worst possible signal you can find... keeps Lynne and Jodi going with setting up digital files rather than spider scribble scraps of paper...and has some amazing google foo skills! She works on all this in her free time outside of a normal 8-5 job.

Emma also runs around helping Lynne and Jodi at the weekends with all things sheep related!