The Boys


Mr Moon covered most of our girls in 2023 and is the most chilled dude you could ever meet.


This Sweet boy joined us mid 2024. He is easy going and always happy to see the food bucket!


A tank of a boy and a pro in the show ring. He only joined us recently and we have high hopes for him.

The Girls


Such a dark and striking ewe. She has some extremely white markings on her legs that just pop against the black.


A little on the timid side but we are sure she will come out of her shell soon with us. A very spottie Spottie!


An amazing ewe and a favourite here.

She loves a full body scratch and has to have her daily cuddles! 


The mother to Double trouble! An all round amazing ewe


2024 Tank of a ewe lamb!

A right sweetie and a keeper for us, cant wait to see how she grows.


Well hi there! One of the Jacob x Spotties from 2024. This ewe has the right idea when it comes to a head shot!

Baby Dinky

Oh this little one has stolen our hearts. Pedigree Jacob, one of three, she was one of our few socks this year and is a little diva! The smallest lamb we have ever had she is now growing up so fast but this bottle picture had to be shown. 

Dinky ever growing!

From a tiny blob in to a now tiny (but much bigger) ewe lamb. Still are little baby of the flock!

Dicky asks for scratches

Every princess needs to her her humans well trained. This little diva will back in to your legs until you scratch her bum, back, head.. what ever she feels needs a good scratch that day.

Double Trouble!

Honey and Humbug strutting their stuff! 2024 ewe lambs that are growing up to be a set of stunners.

The early days!

Oh wow this is a blast from the past. Testing out a hand made bottle holder before we knew you could buy ones that hung on the gates! 

Harmony and Henna

Our resident content creators. They make sure the nerd has made the correct changes to our website.